This is a story about an FBI agent called Sean Reilly and an archaeologist, Tess Chaykin. They are dragged in to a life-altering cat and mouse game with ruthless killers. This risky adventure puts them in close contact with the dark history of the Templar’s, and a secret that will shake the religious world to its foundations.
I’ve chosen this book because I like the way it makes me question my own religiousness (not that I would call myself religious) and the power and the veracity of the bible.
I was raised without any form of religious pressure. I was baptised and I did choose to go through with the confirmation. I really don’t know why, but I guess I did it because it was expected of me by some sort general preconceived norm.
So, is this a good thing? I don’t really know. I think that everyone have to have something to believe in, if it’s a god or something else, that’s really not important. I don’t believe that there is an old man “upstairs” deciding our faiths and moulding the universe in the palm of his hand. However, I do believe in something, I don’t know how to describe it, but lets call it “mother nature”.
Religious people often tell you that something is true, and that it is proved by the contents of the bible. The bible is, from my point of view, throughout made by men and therefore lacks the value of truth it’s supposed to withhold. On the other hand, the Bible means a great deal to a lot of people, since they trust the bible (or have been led to trust) and “the word of god” and the unshakeable truths it allegedly withholds. But once again, it’s not written by god, it’s written by men, and it has never been proved. Why does so many people believe in something so ancient? The answer is obvious. The bible has a thousand year old power-apparatus doing everything it can to uphold and maintain the myth that the bible is sacred and the container of god’s words.
So what would happen if someone could prove that the bible is bullshit? Would it be good that the majority of the world would loose their faith?
Would we see a decline of war?
The Christian church is around because it has won throughout the ages. And as we all know, the winner, not the losers, writes history.
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